Real Property Management Sugarland

Strategies to Keep Your Houston Rental Home From Smelling Like Your Pet

If you have a pet, you are aware that your companion can occasionally emit an unpleasant odor. This is especially true if you have a dog, as they shed more than other animals. It is so important, if you are a renter, to make sure your pet’s odor does not permeate the rental home. In this blog post, we’ll offer some advice on how to do precisely that!

Clean your pet’s bedding regularly and put it outside when it’s wet.

Your pet’s bedding is one location where odors can accumulate. This can be avoided by performing routine cleanings. Just be sure to adhere to all cleaning instructions for your pet’s bedding type. If your pet’s bedding gets wet, make sure to hang it outside to dry so the stench doesn’t get inside your Houston rental property.

Vacuum carpets and furniture often, especially where your pet likes to hang out.

Vacuuming carpets and furniture frequently is another strategy to keep your rental home from smelling like your pet. This will assist in removing pet hair and dander. Also, pay special attention to locations where your pet likes to hang out, as these are the places where odors are most likely to accumulate. Invest in a vacuum cleaner of high quality, and be sure to deodorize the filters and canisters as well.

Bathe your pet and feed them a good quality diet.

In addition to bathing and feeding your pet a nutritious diet, you may avoid your rental home from smelling like your pet by giving them regular baths. This will help keep their fur clean and their skin healthy, preventing them from emitting unpleasant odors. In addition, a balanced diet will aid in reducing the amount of gas your pet produces, which can also contribute to unpleasant odors.

Brush your pet regularly to reduce shedding.

Brushing your pet on a regular basis is another excellent strategy to reduce shedding and keep your rental house smelling fresh. Use a brush made for your pet’s coat type to make the process more effective. Moreover, if your pet sheds excessively, consider utilizing a de-shedding tool.

Invest in a self-cleaning litter box.

If you have a cat, investing in a self-cleaning litter box is one of the greatest methods to keep your rental home from smelling like your pet. This will help to keep the litter box clean and odor-free. Whether or not you have a litter box that cleans itself, be sure to scoop it out frequently and change the litter entirely every few weeks.

Wipe down walls and floors after your pet plays or walks around.

After your pet has played or walked about, you may need to clean the walls and flooring. This will aid in the removal of any dirt or mud they may have carried into the house. In addition, it’s a good idea to keep a lint roller available so that you can remove pet hair fast.

Give your pet their own room.

Give your pet their own space if at all possible. This way, pet odors won’t spread throughout your rental home. To avoid the area smelling like your pet, keep it clean and clutter-free.

Use a carpet deodorizer to get rid of any smells left behind by your pet.

You can use a carpet deodorizer to eliminate lingering pet odors in a rented house if you’re still battling with it. Choose a pet-friendly deodorizer and adhere to the recommendations on the label. Consider utilizing an air purifier to help maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the air in your house.


Follow these guidelines to keep your rental house feeling fresh and tidy. But if you find that part of the smell problem is because your home is a bit too small, contact Real Property Management Sugarland. We can help you find a perfect rental home for you and your pet! You can browse our listings online.